Endodontic Intervention for Managing External Inflammatory Root Resorption in Mandibular First Molar


  • Nehal Amir
  • Ayesha Nazakat




Calcium hydroxide, Periapical tissues, Root resorption


External inflammatory resorption (EIR) is the pathological destruction of external radicular structures with a multifactorial etiology. Prompt diagnosis and meticulous intervention are obligatory to retain the salvageability of the tooth and to circumvent the premature loss of permanent dentition. Infected pulpal tissues and microbial toxins are the mainstay of the persistent inflammatory response in the periodontal tissues. This provokes odontoclastic activity, precipitating radicular loss. In this report, a 17-year-old male patient reported severe pain in the mandibular right first molar. After a thorough history and examination, the case was diagnosed as inflammatory root resorption. Nonsurgical endodontic therapy was performed under rubber dam isolation. After adequate chemomechanical preparation, intracanal, non-setting calcium hydroxide was utilized to arrest the resorptive process. This case enlightens the fact that mechanical debridement alone cannot achieve the prime goal of endodontic intervention. Chemical disinfection using intracanal medicaments can magnify the outcomes by eradicating the nidus of infection.


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How to Cite

Amir, N. ., & Nazakat, A. . (2024). Endodontic Intervention for Managing External Inflammatory Root Resorption in Mandibular First Molar. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 14(01), 96–98. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2023268

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