Relationship of Body Mass Index, Bone Turnover Marker and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women


  • Shehla Shaheen
  • Syed Shahid Noor
  • Zahida Memon


Bone mass, Body mass index, Obesity, Postmenopausal women, Bone turnover marker


Objective:To observe the correlation of body mass index (BMI) with bone mineral density(BMD) and bone turnover marker
(NTX) in postmenopausal women
Materials and Methods: This observational cross sectional study was carried outfrom January 2014 to December 2014. In
this study 85 postmenopausal women were included from Orthopedics and Gynecology outpatient departments of a tertiary
care hospital of Karachi.Their BMI in Kg/m2 and BMD by DEXA scan (femur and lumbar spine) were measured.Seruml evels
of bone turn over marker, N-telopeptide of type I collagen (NTX) was assayed by ELISA.To evaluate the relationship between
BMI, bone mass and NTX, Pearson Correlation co-efficient was computed (P-value significancewas <0.05).
Results:The correlation between BMI and BMD at both femur(r = 0.060, P = 0.586) and lumbar spine(r =0.093, P=.0.398)was
weak and found to be non-significant. The correlation between serum NTX & BMI was negative but also found to be nonsignificant(
r = -0.14, P=0.203).
Conclusion:Both bone mass and bone turnover marker (NTX) are not correlated to an index of obesity, BMI in postmenopausal
women in our clinical set up.


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How to Cite

Shaheen, S. ., Noor, S. S. ., & Memon, Z. . (2015). Relationship of Body Mass Index, Bone Turnover Marker and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(3), 135–138. Retrieved from



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