Relationship of Occlusal Planes with Sella-Nasion and Frankfort Horizontal Planes in Different Skeletal Malocclusion. A Cephalometric Study


  • Hana Pervez
  • Anam Sattar
  • Sadia Shabbir
  • Marium Iqbal
  • Faiza Malik
  • Filza Gul



Frankfort Horizontal plane, Occlusal plane, Sella-Nasion, Skeletal malocclusion


Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the relationship of anterior and posterior occlusal planes (AOP & POP)
with Sella-Nasion (SN) and Frankfort Horizontal (FH) planes in different skeletal malocclusion.
Study Design and Setting: It was a cross-sectional study carried on 202 (40 males and 190 females) pretreatment lateral
cephalogram of orthodontic patients of Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Karachi from June to September 2021.
Methodology: The sample was divided into different skeletal pattern using ANB angle (Class I ANB 0-4°, Class II ANB>4°
and ANB Class III <0°). The AOP and POP measured with respect to SN and FH planes in each class. Two way ANOVA
was used to determine the relationship of occlusal planes among skeletal malocclusions.
Results: 202 cephalogram, 40 males and 190 females were included in this study, out of which 102 (28 males and 102
females) were of class I, 88 (12 males and 76 females) were class II and 12 females were class III. Class II showed steeper
SN-AOP and FH-POP than both Class I and Class III. There was statistically significant relationship between SN and AOP
among all the three skeletal malocclusions (p<0.005) and FH-AOP in class I and II (p>0.025).While SN-POP and FH-POP
were not statistically significant in all the three classes.
Conclusions: Class II malocculsion showed steeper SN-AOP and FH-POP than Class I and Class III. POP to SN and FH
were flatter in Class III.


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How to Cite

Pervez, H. ., Sattar, A. ., Shabbir, S. ., Iqbal, M. ., Malik, F. ., & Gul, F. . (2023). Relationship of Occlusal Planes with Sella-Nasion and Frankfort Horizontal Planes in Different Skeletal Malocclusion. A Cephalometric Study. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 13(03), 223–227.



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