An Investigation into Implications of Tuberculosis Control Efforts in Pakistan: A Comparative Approach


  • Farhan Muhammad Qureshi
  • Samira Faiz
  • Ayesha Khalid



Perceptions, TB control, patients, treatment, Tuberculosis


Objective: To investigate the difference of Tuberculosis (TB) related information in diagnosed TB patients and healthy
individuals in relation to the implications of National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) control efforts.
Study Design and Setting: This comparative case-control study was conducted from May to December 2022 in public
sector tertiary care setups of Karachi.
Methodology: In this case control study, 100 hospitalized diagnosed patients of TB were compared with 155 healthy
individuals from May to December 2022. We analyzed sociodemographic characteristics of both groups related to the
information for transmission and prevention of TB, as a basic element for the disease control.
Result: TB patients were more likely to be uneducated, have low household income and positive family history of TB as
compared to non-TB (OR 0.52, 0.30, 0.40). 18% of TB patients believed that TB infected person cannot be a source of
spread to cause TB disease (OR=4.7; P=0.006). There was a statistically significant association among both the groups
deemed to malnutrition and multiple households as the risk factors of tuberculosis (P=0.002 and <0.001 respectively
Conclusion: TB related information with respect to its cause, preventive and treatment was insufficient in both study
groups leading to delay in TB treatment and increase mortality from the disease. Health education interventional strategies,
focused on primitive and advanced TB related information are needed in general population with special attention on low
socioeconomic groups of community, and the population living in isolated and remote areas.


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How to Cite

Qureshi, F. M., Faiz, S. ., & Khalid, A. . (2023). An Investigation into Implications of Tuberculosis Control Efforts in Pakistan: A Comparative Approach. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 13(03), 206–211.



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