Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Pregnancies Conceived with In-Vitro Fertilization


  • Shabnum Sibtain
  • Russul Ghani
  • David Chui
  • Jamal Zaidi


Infertility, Assisted reproduction, In vitro fertilization, Maternal outcome, Fetal outcome


Objective: To assess the outcome of pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilization.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study utilizing case notes of 110 cases of in vitro fertilization (IVF) delivered in East
Sussex Hospital Trust (ESHT)was carried out from 2010 to 2011 in two district general hospitals, Eastbourne and Conquest
hospital that come under ESHT. All cases with IVF during these two years were included. Demographic details, predisposing
risk factors, body mass index, causes of infertility, antenatal care, onset of labour, mode of delivery and details of baby were
collected and analysed.
Results: Infertility was female related in 46% and male related in 38%. In females tubal factor was the main cause. 18% had
pre-existing medical conditions, polycystic ovaries being the commonest. 75% had singleton pregnancy and 25% twin’s .Nearly
6% had antepartum haemorrhage, twins having higher (11%) rates compared to singleton pregnancy (3.6%). The incidence of
pregnancy induced hypertension and diabetes were the same being more in twin compared to singleton pregnancy .There were
8.4% singleton preterm deliveries. The singleton babies born with weight of less than 2500 gms were 4.8%. There were 2
(1.8%) stillbirths. 3.6% babies had congenital abnormality. In 42 % mode of delivery was caesarean section.
Conclusion: Majority ofchildren born following IVF had a good outcome but increased risk of obstetrics and fetal complications
was found when compared to spontaneously conceived pregnancies. Multiple births remain a major cause of morbidity among
infertility patients


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How to Cite

Sibtain, S. ., Ghani, R. ., Chui, D. ., & Zaidi, J. . (2015). Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Pregnancies Conceived with In-Vitro Fertilization. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(2), 65–68. Retrieved from



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