Are we Caring those who Deserve Special Care? Frequency of Depression among Older Population Residing in a Nursing Home at Karachi


  • Farhat Rehana Malik
  • Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi
  • Aqsa Mahfooz
  • Bakhtawar Wajeeha Qureshi


Nursing homes, Old citizens, Depression, Frequency, Related factors


Objective:To find out the frequency of depression and factors related to it among elderly admitted in a nursing home of Karachi Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out at DarulSukun, Karachi, for a period of four months. Official permission was obtained and 80 citizens (30 females and 50 males), 60 years of age or above, willing to participate, able to speak, express their views and understand Urdu language properly were included in this study.Data collection tool included a questionnaire consisting of two sections. The first had basic demographic information while the second had fifteen items Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). Demographic data of each subject was obtained by direct interview. Age, gender, marital status, education,financial dependency and exercise were also recorded.

Results: Mean age was 67 years.Out of total 80 subjects, 62.5% (n=50) were males while 37.5% (n=30) were females.27.5% (n=22) had depression majority being females.Only 7.5% (n=6) were married and were living as couples. None of them had depression. 66.2% (n=53) participants were educated from Grade-5 till Grade-9.72.5% (n=58) were dependent on their families.Depression was more common in those subjects who were admitted in a period of 3 months or less.22 male subjects performed morning walk on routine basis. Only 3 of them had depression.

Conclusion:The frequency of depression among elderly admitted in a nursing home of Karachi was 27.5%. Gender, marital status, education, financial dependency,recent admission and exercise were found to be related with depression


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How to Cite

Malik, F. R. ., Qureshi, M. S. H. ., Mahfooz, A. ., & Qureshi, B. W. . (2015). Are we Caring those who Deserve Special Care? Frequency of Depression among Older Population Residing in a Nursing Home at Karachi. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(3), 116–120. Retrieved from



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