Transforming Medical Students Learning: Are Pakistani Medical Institutions and Educators Prepared to Embrace Digital Technologies?


  • Nighat Huda


Technological advancement has taken the world by
storm with far reaching implications in education as
well as on the learning process of students. Inspired by
Ronal Harden’s recent blog1on adaptive learning that
personalizes the student’s learning experience in an
adaptive curriculum and talk of Khan’s Academy founder
Salman Khan2 on his global success stories of promoting
personalized learning through free online education, I
chose to raise the issue of Pakistani medical leadership
and educators’ preparedness for embracing digital


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How to Cite

Nighat Huda. (2016). Transforming Medical Students Learning: Are Pakistani Medical Institutions and Educators Prepared to Embrace Digital Technologies?. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 6(4), 198–199. Retrieved from