Mortality Associated with Neck Compression Deaths –An Autopsy Based Study


  • Syed Zubair Ahmed Tirmizi
  • Khurshid Nadir
  • Syed Sanwer Ali
  • Syed Mukarram Ali


Neck compression, Hanging, Strangulation, Manner, Suicide, Homicide


Objective: To determine the frequency of deaths due to compression of neck autopsied in three major mortuaries of Karachi
and to evaluate the association of cause of neck compression deaths with the age and gender.
Materials and Methods: This autopsy- based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from 1st March 2008 to 28th
February 2009 in the mortuaries at Civil Hospital, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center and Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi.
The study included 90 cases of deaths due to hanging and strangulation, brought to mortuaries of public sector hospitals of
Karachi. Details of findings from autopsy reports and police papers were entered in a performa under the heading of cause,
causative agent, manner, age and gender.
Results: 90 out of 2090 unnatural deaths were due to hanging and strangulation. Hanging was the most frequent cause among
the deaths due to neck compression. Male to female ratio was 1.7:1. Male dominated in hanging and ligature strangulation while
female dominated in manual strangulation. Age group ranging from 15 to 35years was chiefly involved. 100 % suicidal and
homicidal manner of death was seen in hanging and strangulation respectively. Cause of neck compression death was significantly
associated with gender (P value <0.036) but not with the age (P value <0.732).
Conclusion: Hanging is the most frequent neck compression death involving males of young age group. Hanging and strangulation
are still used to commit suicide and homicide respectively. Such deaths indicate frustrated and stressful condition of young
population necessitating comprehensive program of counseling for healthy environment.


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How to Cite

Tirmizi, S. Z. A. ., Nadir, K. ., Ali, S. S. ., & Ali, S. M. . (2015). Mortality Associated with Neck Compression Deaths –An Autopsy Based Study. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(2), 86–89. Retrieved from



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