Effectiveness of Intracervical Foley’s Catheter with PGE2 Versus PGE2 Alone for Induction of Labour at Term Pregnancy


  • Fauzia Afridi
  • Romana Bibi
  • Maimoona Qadir
  • Ruqia Wazir




Term Pregnancy, Induction of Labour, intracervical Foley’s Catheter, PGE2


Objective: To compare the effectiveness of intracervical foley’s catheter with prostaglandin E2(PGE2) and PGE2 alone
in achieving vaginal delivery in a patient having full-term pregnancy and its impact on maternal and fetal outcome.
Study design and setting: This Comparative cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Obs & Gynae, in
January-December 2021.
Methodology: A detailed history of the patients was obtained, and a physical examination was performed. Patients were
randomly allocated into two groups A (cervical Foleys and PGE2) and group B (PGE2 alone).
Results: In Group A, 176 (90.7%) patients showed effective results in achieving vaginal delivery out of which 68.0% were
spontaneous and 22.7% instrumental, while in Group B, 172 (88.7%) patients delivered vaginally out of which 48.5%
spontaneous and 40.2% instrumental with P<0.01.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that intracervical foley’s catheter with PGE2 yielded significantly better and more
effective results in terms of improved maternal and fetal outcomes as compared to PGE2 alone in terms of achieving vaginal
delivery and duration of active phase labour


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How to Cite

Afridi, F. ., Bibi , R. ., Qadir, M. ., & Wazir, R. . (2023). Effectiveness of Intracervical Foley’s Catheter with PGE2 Versus PGE2 Alone for Induction of Labour at Term Pregnancy. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 13(02), 130–134. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2022136



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